Welcome To K Briers Properties

K Briers Properties Is an innovative and personalised Investment Company / Property Portfolio Builder that creates bespoke opportunities and acquisitions taking advantage of current market conditions, but also the circumstances and requirements of its joint venture partners and high network individuals. Using a variety of property strategies, stacking the figures today as you would like to see them tomorrow – to create win win scenarios for all parties concerned.

Get in touch If you're interested in or would like further information in the following:

Property Investment Help in Newton Abbot, Devon, South West England
Join Investment Venture in Newton Abbot, Devon, South West England
Investment Project Newton Abbot, Devon, South West England
Property Investment Assistance in Newton Abbot, Devon, South West England

Our Vision

Here at K Briers Properties our innovative, diligent yet personalised Investment Firm’s vision is to take advantage of current market conditions, creating bespoke opportunities in a diverse property market industry through resourceful, ingenious and rewarding acquisitions.

In short wealth creation, passive incomes and cash flow. This involves Diversity, Leverage, Outsourcing, Precision Planning, Experts and Specialist Consultants to formulate and achieve unique and profitable accomplishments.

Our creative vision takes advantage of our extensive Experience -Training – Education – Rigorous Due Diligence together with our Unique Analysis Criteria Formula to determine the most lucrative and rewarding ventures / projects / entities which will generate the best returns and benefits in an ever changing market place comprising of multiple variables. Overall our vision is to accomplish optimal profitability in the acquisition of assets, allowing for Scaling – Expansion – Financial Stability in all future endeavours.

We pride ourselves on solving problems, not creating them!

Our Values

  • Dedication, diligence, zealousness, resourcefulness, adaptability,productivity, profitability, reliability, efficiency, persistence, determination, accountability, sincerity and astuteness.
  • Striving for Fortuitous Creativity and Professionalism in every aspect – going that extra mile and creating a win win scenario for all parties involved.
  • Adherence to industry standards and where possible go that one step further to mould dreams into reality.
  • Constant aspirations to achieve and cultivate wealth growth.
  • Rewarding innovative visionaries.
  • Collaboration with aspiring like-minded individuals.
  • Portraying positive inspiration and example to influence the next generation of Property Investors / Entrepreneurs.

Our Ambitions

Focusing on a future of success and good fortune. Achievements and accomplishments which portray and reflect financial gains and rewards. Taking visions and/or proposals with potential and merit to profitable realities. Growth and expansion in each and every facet of the investments. Partner / Client praise and satisfaction. Always driven and motivated to promote aspirations along side invaluable content, guidance and advice to my fellow property investors – developers – entrepreneurs.

Achieving these future successes, targets and goals there will be constant re-evaluation , reconsideration as well as revision regarding all aspects and variables pertaining to the various investments and acquisitions in order to constantly improve upon already existing and future endeavours – collaborations – ventures – entities – investments – acquisitions. Implementation of change to mitigate foreseen / predicted / measurable consequences. In short – cultivation in every sector applicable to create and achieve high financial yields – gains – rewards.

Joint Property Investment with k Briers Property investors
Property investor Background