Your degree of success and accomplishments achieving and securing maximum financial gain, financial security and financial freedom to live your life to the fullest depend on the choices and decisions you make. Choose and make your decisions wisely. I hope these gold nuggets of advice that I have discovered in my journey in this field will help and increase your wealth growth.
As a gift from me to you, here are some of the gold nuggets we follow:
Recognise that “the possibilities are endless”
- Nugget No 1 – Knowledge and wisdom is critical. Never hesitate to ask for help, guidance and advice. There are no foolish questions – only wisdom to be received. Be brave enough to possibly feel foolish for a moment but gain the guidance and knowledge needed for your future. We were all there at some point in time and can relate. Experienced and educated individuals as well as numerous resources are at hand to help you.
- Nugget No 2 – Reduce risk. Risk will always be present but with risk comes great rewards. Be courageous but be wise and educated. Education, knowledge and experience enables you to seize unique and rewarding opportunities and acquisitions whilst at the same time reducing risk greatly. Knowledge is power. If mistakes have been made by others in the past – learn from their mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes yourself. Introduce Precision Planning, Experts and Specialist Consultants in all your endeavours.
- Nugget No 3 – Ensure you have taken due diligence and care in the choice of your new project then implement. Choice and decision has been make so – stay focused and keen. Do what needs to be done today – “don’t put off for tomorrow what can be done today”. Stay keen – Stay focused – Stay energised. Keep your productivity to optimal capacity. Strive for expansion. Be productive – Be prosperous. There are many financial ventures and rewards to be discovered and owned. Keep to the various tried and proven strategies that have been adopted and used in the past with success. It is possible to achieve wealth creation, passive income, cash flow – others have done it and you can too but do it with caution, care and diligence.
- Nugget No 4 – Networking – locate other like-minded individuals (Property Investors/ Entrepreneurs) – it doesn’t have to be lonely road travelled alone with no guidance, help and advice. Use networking, contractors, landlords, JV (Joint Venture) partners. There are so many affluent, high net worth individuals/ sophisticated investors. Use the property wisdom and property experience that has been gleaned and optimised by others. Reduce your risk and increase your rewards at every opportunity. Utilise the educational courses, mentorship programs and specialist consultants. Take guidance from these various sources. Apart from gaining the crucial knowledge and education so necessary you will gain inspiration. Inspiration and fulfilment are equally important.
- Nugget No 5 – Mindset – Be open to change in mindset. We all need to grow. Sometimes in order to grow – you have to change the way you do things. If change is needed to attain
the desired wealth creation, cashflow, passive income you are aspiring to – then change. There are numerous individuals out there with regret because of missed opportunities that could have attained financial gain. Don’t let bitter, despondent individuals dissuade you from your future achievements / goals in life. No-one desires or dreams of living with financial insecurities. Our desire is for prosperity. Don’t let unwarranted and unnecessary fear and trepidation steal your confidence and opportunity to increase your wealth and enhance your present and future life style. Be careful but don’t miss out on lucrative and prosperous projects. Prosperity, victory and success are attainable. I am living proof as are many others. The opportunities for financial gain are out there for the taking if one chooses to do so. Stay motivated and positive. Ambition is a brilliant attribute but ensure it goes hand in hand with Wisdom. Be sensible.
- Nugget No 6 – Rigorous due diligence and scrutiny of any and all ventures and projects. Use the many astute and knowledgeable individuals in this property industry and the numerous resources available to you. However, be aware that there will always be individuals who believe their knowledge and advice is the only advice to follow (“the proof is in the pudding”). Judge the quality of their advice by their achievements. Ask yourself the question – is this what you are aspiring to reach and achieve yourself? Use sound judgement. Do your research. Get the education. Keep your progress and commitment thriving always.
- Nugget No 7 – Progressing forward in your property adventure take some time to give back. Inspire – Encourage – Educate – “Help” the new aspiring Property Investors. Life has a funny way of turning things around – they just may help you !
To all of us attaining our prosperous and fulfilling aspirations in our property endeavours!
As more new nuggets come to me I will update you. In addition to this we will be setting up our social media platforms. Hoping this has given help and advice. I look forward to hearing your responses and hopefully one day we may cross paths personally.